Saturday, January 26, 2013

This week's co-op bounty

Once again I got a basic share and a juicing pack, and I did some trading, because I still had celery and parsley from before and I think if I served up beets and chard again this week the family might have organized a lynch mob.  They liked them well enough, but not too close together, and it was a lot of chard last week.  I got extra potatoes and bell peppers for my trade.  I really don't know exactly what came in what.  I spent $24.50 for the total
Also only I volunteered since the girl child had a test related to her Duke TIP program and the husband had to take her to that.  I got an extra bell pepper and onion for it.  Cause I never have enough bell pepper and onion.

I ended up with
2 - 5lb bags of potatoes
2 pineapples
1 small watermelon
6 green bell peppers
6 bannanas
3 onions
3 lemons
6 tomatoes
7 pears
6 oranges
bag of carrots
6 apples.
1 cucumber

Not feeling that this was near enough food, as we keep running out of veggies around Thursday night dinners we went and bought spinach and mushrooms and the girl child talked me into a large container of blueberries.  And it didn't help that the only greens we got was chard and I traded it away just because the family was tired of chard.

Leftover from last week was lots of apples, a pineapple that is still not yet ripe, some oro blancos from a few weeks back, some celery and a couple of potatoes as well as parsley and ginger.

I really think I need to work on increasing the veggies and reducing the fruit.  hopefully the co-op will bring back the veggie packs and I can start getting those instead of the juice packs.  I also need to figure out how to get the family to eat those apples.  The husband used to eat them, but his office is now supplying fruit to encourage healthier eating, so he isn't eating the fruit we get from the co-op.  I might need to stop eating the bread with my morning peanut butter and make it just apples if we are going to get these things out of the house.

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