Monday, March 25, 2013

A Somewhat Healthy Lunch

Lunch today is not leftovers, mainly because the soup I have leftover is actually on my meal plan as part of dinner tonight, and I was craving hummus.
Lunch is a roasted red pepper hummus sandwich with butter lettuce on toasted 9 grain bread from the co-op and an orange.  If I am still hungry afterwards I might make a dessert out of an apple and some peanut butter.
I am not sure if you have noticed that I keep my meals pretty simple.  The easier they are to fix, the less likely we are to eat out.  That is the bane that we really fight against.  That thing that kills our budget and our health.
The food still needs to be tasty, and needs to have variety to keep us from being too bored with it to also eliminate the temptation to eat out.  The co-op helps with that, since I have to figure out how to make meals from what they give me and it prevents me from getting in a rut of  buying the same produce over and over again.  What I buy outside the co-op is the same foods over and over.  I get my long grain brown rice, my frozen corn, my frozen peas, canned oragnic tomato products, hummus, Jif natural peanut butter (crunchy for me, creamy for the husband, the kids eat either), pasta ect.  Only rarely will I get something unusual, and that is usually something we probably would do better to forgo anyway.  With the co-op we are getting variety, and it is a healthy variety.  Food allergies make it all the more complicated with variety.  Not just our allergies, but those of close friends too.

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