Saturday, March 23, 2013

Co-op again - Sort of like a mini Christmas every week

Yeah!  I love my co-op day.  We volunteered again,in the rain, then went to have breakfast with a friend.  We brought the eggs and used an onion and spinach from our co-op shares as well.  They provided the potatoes and tortillas. 

This pile of food represents a basic basket, a juice pack and bread pack.  We were also supposed to have a Hostess pack with more food geared towards entertaining for the Easter Holiday, but there was a bit of a mix up with the delivery and we decided to be nice and be the ones to go without.  Mainly because we are not really expecting any company for Easter and we just wanted the variety of produce.  Then after we ordered the boy was asked to house sit for some friends, which means he will be gone for most of the week. 

As I mentioned before getting home we used an onion and a bunch of spinach that was in the juice pack.  But we have:

3 bunches of asparagus
2 pineapple
3 cucumber (got extra cucumber from the friend we had breakfast with as they don't eat it)
1 beet
1 carrot
4 potatoes
1 butter lettuce
8 key limes
8 oranges
3 grapefruit
5 bananas
3 apples
1 loaf of hot cross bun bread (not sure what it is, but seems to be a sweet bread)
1 baguette
3 9 grain bread loaves

I still have from last week
2 heads of butter lettuce
2/3 of a head of cauliflower
5 lemons
7 apples
4 oranges
1 grapefruit
1 onion
3 garlic
1 banana
some celery
Not sure about the interviewer, but the birds like the girl child

Lunch today was leftover salad and home made bread from last night.  My daughter had an interview at the Zoo for a volunteer position, so we headed out on the train right after lunch and ended up at Spaghetti Warehouse for dinner.  I felt sort of bad that we were out so late, because I had made a soup in the crock pot for dinner, but it will be lunch for tomorrow.
Before I forget what I put in it:
2 potatoes
the carrot
last week's celery
fresh parsley
fresh basil (grow this myself)
half an onion
last week's 2/3 head of cauliflower
half a bulb of garlic, cloved peeled and put in whole
a carton of Trader joes Hearty Vegetable Broth
Water to cover

I think I will blend it and maybe crumble some vegan sausage over it for lunch tomorrow.

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